Tuesday, June 26, 2007

House Hunting Update

Well, we didn't get Finalist #2; the seller just didn't come down to a price we were willing to pay. So, back to looking...
We have a new prospect and the list price starts out in our budget this time. The only thing is that it is 2 BR with a large open loft that overlooks the living room. We've spoken to several people that say it is quite possible to close that off as a bedroom, and may have people who know more about this than Lee or myself (which isn't too hard) to look at it soon. We are excited but want to take our time...


Beth said...

Very cute house. Hope you find a home soon so you can move before you no longer feel up to it. :)

Kierstyn said...

Looks great! Hopefully things will fall into place soon, and you guys can move in before you get even more pregnant!