Monday, August 09, 2010

Homeschooling, here we come!

Well, Stephen is now "Kindergarten age," so our decision to homeschool is now "official." Our first day will be August 23. He has been in preschool for the past 3 years for 2-3 days/week while I worked. I'm done with my job, and I've been gently telling Stephen that once Kindergarten begins, we will be having school at home. He was reluctant at first, but thankfully, we have many friends who are homeschooled!

Here's a look at what we'll be doing!

Bible: The Child's Story Bible by Catherine Vos. We've been reading through this for a few months, and I like it! It's the level of depth I had been looking for since I felt Stephen had outgrown our other story Bibles.

Reading: About a year ago, we began The Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading by Jessie Wise. I wanted to save money, so I bought only the book (the complete kit comes with already printed flash cards, audio version (I think) and a magnetic board with letters). Once we started reading I realized that Stephen needs the hands on experience. We hit a wall and took a break, I ordered a magnetic board with letters, and we should be on our way again!

Last week, Stephen got his own library card. He was quite excited! Our town is building a new library, so we'll definitely be making good use of that place.

When I bought Saxon K, I didn't know just how basic it was. Stephen has been speeding through it - it's like playtime to him. He loves the manipulatives and will play with tiles making patterns for quite a while. I plan to skim through the rest of the book, covering new things, and moving on to Saxon 1.
We'll be working through Mudpies to Magnets for science. We also have some science kits, which Stephen loves! He is certainly his parents' son...
I saw these workbooks at a homeschool conference and couldn't resist. I got a couple levels - just a little mental excercise. They'll be much easier once Stephen can read better and do them on his own!
I haven't done too much Stephen school with Lydia around. In the past, we have done everything while she naps, but that has turned out not to be Stephen's best working time. We'll be doing normal preschool things with her (and she'll be in a church preschool 2 days/week). Our big thing coming soon is potty training - oh boy!


Kierstyn said...

Happy homeschooling, Nickles family! I so wish that you guys lived here (or we lived there?) so that we could homeschool together. Elizabeth only has one homeschool buddy at church.

May the Lord richly bless this newest endeavor and grant you joy in the learning journey.

Kristy said...

Thanks, Kierstyn! We like NC, but there are many things I miss about TX! You and I would make an awesome homeschooling team, wouldn't we?

Mark Morgan said...

Hello there, the name's Mark, I'm a friend of Lee's and just found out about this blog.

I'm so happy to hear you're considering Home School. I come from a family of five siblings and my mother Home Schooled us all. I Thank God everyday that she did. I wouldn't be the kind of person I am today without it.

Most particularly the thing I remember most was our morning Bible Study and poetry class. I don't if you'll including this in your ciriculumn or not, but she had us memorize a different poem every few weeks.

Not only did that help our memory skills but it gave me a love of verse that continues to this day and is one of my great joys in terms of reading.

I hope everything goes well for you and God Bless You!